Maintaining the bibliographic assets updated is one of the main goals of the Program's faculty. The general purpose references Electrical Engineering students are located at the Central Library of Technology Center (Biblioteca Central do Centro de Tecnologia). Books, journals, magazines and annals specific to the Program are acquired individually by the labs and kept by each one of them, in order to make the access direct and simple.
The UFRJ's System of Libraries and Information (Sistema de Bibliotecas e Informação da UFRJ - SIBI -, through system ALEPH, gives access to the electronic database of SIBI for bibliographic researches. The Program also gives access to the whole set of thesis and dissertations defended within UFRJ.
Other fundamental tools for information access are "The Web of Science" from ISI; the "IEEE Explore", that grants access to the journals of IEEE and IET (old IEE); and "Science Direct", with access to journals from Elsevier and others. All these resources are available through "CAPES Portal of Journals" (Portal de Periódicos CAPES), a valuable asset for research, in line with the international scientific community.
The Central Library of Technology Center is located at the 2nd floor of Block B. Its opening hours are from Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The library has thousands of books, magazines, and thesis and has room for individual or group study.
If one needs any help with study and research, the Central Library of Technology Center will help them, providing access to printed publications and also to the CAPES Portal of Journals.